Let’s improve the quality of life for Shelties.
Sponsor a Sheltie
We understand that not everyone can have a dog at the present time but would like to help a sheltie in need.
To sponsor a sheltie you can pledge a monthly donation to help a specific dog in our care OR if you prefer you make a one time donation towards a particular sheltie’s medical needs. Donations are tax deductible. You can make Paypal donation or send a check. Contact us for more information.
Donate Items
For this, we are talking about items of value. We raise a lot of our funds through raffles and auctions, either live, by mail or online. If you have any items of value, especially items with a Sheltie theme, please reach out to fundraising@lissr.org to discuss your donation.
Shop and donate
Shop through Amazon using Amazon Smile and designate Long Island Shetland Sheepdog Rescue as your charity. See below for how to make Amazon and iGive work to get your shopping flowing to Sheltie Rescue.
Donate from your own auctions
There are multiple places on the web where you can donate to charity through your normal activities. One of these is to tag some or all of the proceeds from ebay auctions to go to Long Island Shetland Sheepdog Rescue. See Ebay for more information.
Charitable Bequests
Your last Will and Testament is the document through which you may pass on your legacy to family, friends, and charitable organizations that you support. You may make a bequest to Long Island Shetland Sheepdog Rescue by directing in your Will and/or your revocable living trust that certain assets be transferred to LISSR after your death. You can structure the bequest to be a specified sum of money, a percentage of your estate, or as a contingent bequest. During your lifetime, such assets will continue to remain in your control, and you may also modify the bequest to address changing circumstances during your lifetime.
We encourage you to discuss your estate plans with your attorney and/or tax advisor for suggested language to use as part of your testamentary plan as well as tax benefits in your state. Contact us for information about where to send the bequest.

Ebay allows users to donate proceeds from auctions to charity. If you are an ebay seller, please look for Long Island Shetland Sheepdog Rescue, Inc. as the charity to donate or share some of your proceeds. Many buyers are motivated to support charitable auctions.
iGive.com allows you to support Long Island Shetland Sheepdog Rescue, Inc. with a percentage of your online shopping. It’s totally free. Over 1,500 of your favorite online stores are featured in the iGive.com Mall, where up to 26% of each purchase goes to Shetland Sheepdog Placement Services of New Jersey.